Unhappily married
Waking up dreading the day
Feeling disconnected
Feeling like you and your spouse are either just existing or living two separate lives
Feeling like the trust is lost and not sure if you can get it back
Couples counseling can help!
There is rarely a good reason to do nothing and stay in an unhappy marriage – or to leave without trying to work on things with the assistance of a professional couples therapist.
I can help you and your partner figure out what is missing from your ideal marriage. We may have to work through some painful experiences, but then we have to let them go – moving forward and focusing on the task at hand – building the ideal marriage.
The benefits are many! What would it feel like to be happy again?
We can recapture that special connection between you and your spouse where there is respect and support. Trust will be re-established, and co-parenting can work like a team!
If your partner is not yet sure they want to do this, let’s at least have a conversation to see if working with just one of you can help. I have found that when one person changes either their actions or their thoughts, it results in a change in the dynamics of the relationship.
So, you see, you alone have the power to improve your life.
If this sounds exactly like what you’re looking for, call me today for a free consultation, schedule an appointment, and let’s get started.